gCarrier in Splinter Pattern

Here is a gcarrier in a splinter camouflage pattern, with 25mm miniature figures for scale.  I haven't decided which faction will get this vehicle yet.  Paints were Rustoleum primer white, primer brown, primer gray, and Krylon khaki camouflage.  Masking tape was used for masking.  The triangle thing on top is a cut from a square sticker used to protect the floor from furniture feet.  The landing feet are round squares of the same material.  No gluing was needed for this model. 

This vehicle was formerly a miniature vaccuum cleaner:

I believe that I acquired it at a yard sale for much less than $1.  This picture shows stickers that I have added for the driver's escape hatch (round pink "$1"), for the driver's and gunner's viewports (red rectangles), for the top hatch (gray rectangle of duct tape), and for the top triangle, maybe a sensor and communications array, or the point defense system.

The gcarrier has three forward-pointing guns, which are not visible in either picture.  I'll have to take a shot of the front.  The guns are straws stuck into the vaccuum cleaner's mouth and cut to size.  


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