KublaCon 2024 Paint-n-Take




I painted each of these on a different day of the convention.   KublaCon had a very nice paint and take set up in a big room with display areas along a couple of walls, plenty of seats and supplies (notably Vallejo and other paint brands in similar bottles), and helpful staff and volunteers.  I brought my own Opti-visor.  An extra light would have been helpful, too.  It wasn't dark, but it could have been more bright of this kind of work. 

The blue and brown miniatures are 35mm and the orange one is 28mm.  The brown one appears to be a Reaper Bones miniature from the same set as the tall miniature in my post "More Science Fiction Operators."  I don't know who the manufacturers of the others are, nor from which games the miniatures originate.  

The orange one reminded me of the comic art of Moebius, so I gave him a color scheme appropriate to that body of work.  Actually, the blue one would probably look at home in Heavy Metal magazine, too. 

Shot outdoors with iPhone 6 default settings.  The pictures were taken about 5 minutes and 12 inches apart, one in full sun and one in the shade. 


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