2020 April 13 miniatures - science fiction operators, medieval-ish archer, fantasy humanoid

Here are front and rear pictures of six 25-28mm miniatures that I've recently completed.  I'm taking as much advantage of the stay-at-home order as I can.  

I gave two of them simple transparent bases, cut out of a blister pack with an X-acto knife.  I concluded (by shaking the work table) that the others are stable enough on their own and don't need bases.  

Bases were painted to look OK (or be ignored) in any environment.  I may add more black to most of them to accomplish that before I do the matte finish.

I have not yet given any of these miniatures their spray matte finish.  I'll wait until I've accumulated a good number and do them all at once.

Background is a piece of polyester fleece from Joann's, which I will someday turn into a no-sew bib-type scarf, possibly also a regular scarf, and, if I become really ambitious, a watch cap.  I have a bigger piece of the same material for a desert game table.

Lighting is my bright fluorescent magnifier lamp, extended upward and turned to shine down at an angle.  I wanted lighting as much like convention lighting as possible, because that's where these are most likely to appear.  

Shot with iPhone 6, default settings.  Pictures are in Blogger's "X-Large" format.  I haven't figured out how to use "Original Size," which would be much bigger.

These three are from paint-and-take at recent conventions.  I did some minor touching up and finishing at home.  

The center one is, I think, from Zombiesmith, which has supported paint-and-take for some time.   

The one on  the left has "Target Games" on the slotta-base, but I don't know anything else about it.  I think he's going to appear in Traveller somewhere.

The one on the right is one of my rare excursions into history before recent history.  He makes me think a little of one of the Assassin's Creed avatars.  I haven't decided what to do with him in terms of gaming.

The left and center miniatures are Reaper Bones, with "2013" on their bases.  I don't remember where the one on the right came from; it's made of metal, with an integral base.

They are intended to be a team of agents or operators wearing similar colors, but not a uniform, for tasks on worlds enough like Earth for brown and gray to be foundational colors for camouflage.

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