Here are two medium grav armored fighting vehicles. I haven't done a Striker or StarGrunt design for them yet, but I'm imagining them in the multi-purpose role: carrying small teams or critical supplies, insertions and extractions, etc. They can be used by any faction that uses Arabic numerals -- Third Imperium, Sword Worlds, Solomani Confederation, etc. I may try my hand at an Imperial sunburst stencil with future vehicles. These are essentially identical wired mice, one by HP and one by Compaq. I primed in Rustoleum flat black primer and added Rustoleum flat brown and Krylon flat river rock. Masks were strips of very old, thin, distressed cotton from handerchiefs that had finally gone to the rag pile. This kind of material is woven with threads at right angles. It gives a nice soft edge, but tends towards straight lines. Greeblies are from various sources. Identification alphanumerics are from an old a sheet of vinyl (I think) lett...